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Clearwater® 9' 5-Weight Fly Rod Boxed Outfit

Hands down the best fly rod you can buy for the money, this well-appointed series includes rods to cover every angler.

★★★★★ (0)

Regular price £298.00 Sale price £459.00

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Orvis 25-Year Guarantee

What that means is, we’ll fix your broken fly rod, and if we can’t fix it, we’ll replace it, no questions asked. Step on it, close the door on it, run over it with the car—it doesn’t matter, we’ll fix it. If we can’t repair it, we’ll choose a newer model rod of at least equal value to replace it. Your investment is assured for a nominal shipping and handling charge.


  • Ready-to-fish outfit includes the Clearwater 9' 5-wt. Fly Rod, a size II Clearwater Large Arbor Reel, Clearwater line, backing, and leader, and a rod/reel case
  • Value-priced outfit with the reach and power you need for bigger waters
  • Blanks are black chrome with white accents
  • Quick rod identifier on the blank
  • Chrome snake and stripping guide with a ceramic insert
  • Full black nickel aluminum reel seats
  • 25-Year Guarantee
  • Designed in Vermont


This value-priced, ready-to-fish Clearwater Outfit handles big water with ease. The Clearwater 9' 5-wt. Fly Rod is a standard for western rivers and bigger eastern water. Not only does it have the length to reach out and control drifts and the power to reach far banks, but the line weight to handle big trout and light bass. Firing a big streamer up and across a big river and reaching out to mend the line and control the drift is right in this rod’s wheelhouse. Throwing big attractors with droppers or big hoppers in the early fall is the perfect task for this rod. If big water and big flies are called for, then the Clearwater 905-4 is the weapon of choice at a price that will keep a lot of travel money in your pocket.


Outfit includes the Clearwater 9' 5-wt. Fly Rod, a size II Clearwater Large Arbor Reel, Clearwater line, backing, and leader, and a rod/reel case.

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