Our fly-fishing community love to share in each other’s delight so we are thrilled to share that Jake Leake, captain of England’s Youth Fly Fishing Team, has brought the team to second place in the Youth Fishing International at Lough Lene in Ireland this year.
This is a fantastic result and England’s best position for some years. Ireland just pipped them to the post, but Jake himself won the ‘Best Fish’ Award, for a fish that was caught on an Orvis Helios rod!

Jake said “I love the Helios rod and used it throughout the competition - I won best fish in the England camp and Best Rod (Rose Bowl) at the 2022 International with the Helios.”

Later, in British Columbia, he caught numerous Salmon and a huge Steelhead (25lb+) on the Helios rod.

The guide was amazed that Jake managed to bring the Steelhead in on a single handed 7# rod! He said people had fished there for thirty years and never caught a fish like that - let alone on a single-handed rod.
Huge congratulations to Jake on his achievements. His passion and effort has led him to wonderful new adventures and we look forward to hearing about his next adventure before too long.