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In the lead up to the second annual Orvis Beginners Saltwater Weekend, we wanted to interview the festival guides about their experiences, what they hope to see at this year’s event and their top tips! Today we hear from Michael Rescorle, who is a Level 2 Angling Coach and Orvis Endorsed Guide. Michael also guides at the Orvis Saltwater Fly Fishing Festival each year in September.

How did you come to be involved in the BSW?

I met the Orvis team at another event several years ago and as soon as there was talk of a beginners’ weekend, I jumped at the opportunity to get involved. While I love fishing, I get the greatest satisfaction from watching others catch fish, particularly if it’s their first one. The smile on the anglers’ face stays with me forever.  

What are you hoping the attendees will take away/learn from this year's event?

The importance of having the correct tackle and flies, starting to learn about how to find where fish might be feeding at various states of the tide, and being patient. There is no substitute for time on the water. 

What would be your top tip for a saltwater beginner?

Get casting a lesson with a qualified instructor to learn how to handle heavier rods and flies in harsh coastal conditions, especially strong winds.   

What are you personally hoping to bring to the event?

Having spent several decades fishing the coast of England and Wales on the fly, I have accumulated a lot of knowledge and feel – I call it watercraft - about where fish move and are likely to feed. Mullet are easy to find but difficult to catch while bass are easy to catch but difficult to find. I hope to be able to put anglers onto fish and nail their first saltwater species.  

What would be your go to kit list for bass and mullet?

For bass there is nothing better than the Orvis Helios3D 9 foot #8 with an Orvis reel and a good WF line with a 30 foot head weighing at least 330g. For mullet, I prefer the Recon SW 9 foot #6 because it’s a little softer and protects lighter tippets. Again, with a WF line. I would not go near the sea without a good pair of Orvis Pro Waders, the light weight boots, particularly if there’s a long hike to the mark, and an Orvis Waterproof Sling Pack.  

Michael Rescorle, Orvis Saltwater Festival Guide
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