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Orvis UK raises £800 for Men’s Activity Network Charity

We are so proud to have raised £800 for the Men’s Activity Network charity as part of a unique event in the Orvis Stockbridge store earlier this month: the Orvis Saltwater Fly Fishing Festival Re-Load Social.

As the seasons progress and we gain time to reflect on this year’s fishing adventures, we wanted to welcome customers to our Stockbridge store for a special event. The Orvis Saltwater Fly Fishing Festival Re-Load Social took place on Saturday 22nd October, and involved a good crowd and a fantastic, positive atmosphere.

Here, we announced the winner of our charity auction for an original David Miller artwork, ‘Grey Mullet’, in aid of the Men’s Activity Network (MAN) which supports men’s physical and mental health.

The stunning painting by renowned UK Wildlife Artist, David Miller, was auctioned at £800 and proceeds will go towards the MAN Project – a fantastic cause supported by Shane Davies who has been running free weekly fly-tying zoom sessions, the Imbizo Fly Tying Group, to help men’s mental health.

The event was also an opportunity to look back on this year’s Orvis Saltwater Fly Fishing Festival, our annual festival which welcomes all ages and abilities of anglers to the beaches of Hayling Island in pursuit of bass and mullet.

This year (2nd – 4th September 2022), over 130 anglers from all over the UK took part in the Orvis Saltwater Fly Fishing Festival, enjoying bass and mullet workshops from angling experts, and two days of competition fishing with coveted Orvis prizes.

Although there is a competition element to the festival, the main aim is to bring together likeminded anglers to forge new friendships, develop new skills and learn more about Saltwater Fly Fishing, which is becoming increasingly popular on the UK coastlines.

The Saltwater Re-Load social on 22nd October welcomed people to re-ignite those friendships, reminisce about the event, and create new adventures together.

James Doyle, Orvis UK Retail Sales Manager, said “One of the most wonderful aspects of the Saltwater Fly Fishing Festival is the opportunity to share and celebrate our adventures and wonder in nature. Festival social events and the time spent together sharing personal experiences provide delightful memories and enduring friendships. Importantly, people were also able to engage in the Festival through viewing and sharing social media content and on television. 

This social event at Orvis Stockbridge was aimed at anyone who wanted to share and celebrate their fly-fishing adventures and join a community who do. We were delighted to welcome those people to Orvis Stockbridge on Saturday 22nd October to meet friends and share stories.”

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