Dirty Bug Yarn
Specially designed with a mix of natural and synthetic materials Dirty Bug Yarnwas designed resulting from research of different dubbings when it was realised that many traditional dubbings were often single colour. In reality, if you look at flies or nymphs, it may be one clear colour but it is usually a mix - nature is not monochromatic.
From this, a blend of colours to make a better fly body whether it be a dry or nymph was developed and Dirty Bug Yarn was born. Essential dubbing colours and blends suitable for specific families of flies such as caddis have also been created to give tyers the very best options.
For people who are used to creating their own dubbing blends, working with Dirty Bug Yarn means you no longer have to worry about inconsistency or forgetting how you mixed your last blend and you can rely on a consistent blend ongoing. Indeed you can even blend 2 or 3 strands of Dirty Bug Yarn Caddis Brown to create even more unique results.
Dirty Bug Yarn does trap air so can be used on flies where you need a neutral buoyancy and will also take floatant. Its lovely if you taper it to a point.
Without doubt dubbing is one of the more difficult skills for fly tyers to learn. This is why Semperfli developed its range of "dubbing on a rope" products; ready made yarns which can simply be tied and wound onto a hook. Developed twin strands Dirty Bug Yarn can be used straight off the spool for larger flies or split into single strands for smaller flies. There are a range of colours that are stunning for both new fly tyers and skilled fly tyers alike.
5m (approx) per spool.